Ihave had this weed/ vine thing for years and thers just no stopping it. I dont know what its called but its like a trifid!
How do i get rid of that weed thats a vine with a bif white flower on it?
It is bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis)
See link for pictures to help identify it:
How do you get rid of it?
This is a beast of a weed with such a massive root system that it can take YEARS to get rid of completely.
Have a look at the following link for advice:
Good luck with it (I have it in my garden too and know how it takes over!)
Reply:convulvius!!!!! It looks beautiful but strangles all the plants around it. You will have to pull it up from the root. Its very easy to pull out but dont let it grow in your garden as it keeps reoccuring
Reply:You can only keep on weeding regularly until the root system dies. the trouble is this weed usually comes up along the fence and if it's allowed to grow in the neighbours garden you'll never get rid of it! Depending on what you have in your flower bed you could try putting a black plastic layer down and cutting an X for the plants you wish to keep to grow through, thus preventing the vine from gettting any light and so dying off. This isn't very attractive but you could then put bark and wood chippings on top. But you will still need to keep weeding any that find their way through out.
Reply:i know which one you mean.and its a nasty one.keeps coming back too.the only way is to get as much of it out.trace its route and try to get as much of it out as possible,get rid of any flowers straight awayjust keep your eyes open and keep pulling out any vine you see.you will get there in the end.good luck and happy gardening.if you are in the uk,this is probably belladonna.
Reply:If it is a weed fine, as long as it isn`t the "mile a minute" plant,"Russian Vine" that takes over all unless, you really want it,one way to get back at nasty neighbours Oh! how could I think of such a thing!.
Reply:I would suggest a heavy duty vegetation killer like crossbow but if the vine is near other plants and you don't want to risk killing them to, just be patient and get out your shears and cut and pull them out of your plants. Better to be safe then sorry. Good luck.
Reply:Its convolvulus more commonly known as bindweed. Its hard to get rid of, but it can be done. Dig out all the roots. It probably wont work first time you may have to repeat if it grows again. Or you could do what I do, just clear the bits you can see, and learn to live with a bit of it coming up every now and then.
Reply:regular spraying with glyphosate during the growing season and / or digging ALL traces of root out of the ground - not easy!!!
Reply:Bindweed!! Terrible stuff. Hell of a job to get rid of, and the surest way is to dig it out and burn it, wherever it occurs. Easier said than done.
You have to mercilessly dig out the roots wherever they appear, and don't just dump it on the compost. It is notorious for being able to re-root through anything. Burn it.
Reply:you can try pouring old motor oil on the root area that is usually a no fail plan good luck
Reply:I think I know the stuff, nicknames Japanese Bind weed or knotweed, either way its evil. I had this in my last garden and once it starts its quite hard to stop.
I understand there are two ways of treating it 1. pull it up (every last thread) this may take a few months and will need repeating or 2. literally weedkill the whole garden and start again.
Either way, if your neighbours have it it will spread back to you, so you'll need to talk to them too.
Reply:Ok - what you have is Convolvulus, sometimes known as Bindweed and closely related to Morning Glory. It spreads by seed, by suckering (rooting where a stem touched the ground) and by root spread underground) if you dig it up or pull it our, the roots left behind simply regrow. It is perennial and a COMPLETE PEST.
Ashridge Trees is a mail order nursery (we grow and/or sell
about 2 million plants a year) so we bump into bindweed a lot. We use the following techniques:
1. If it is all by itself, we spray it with a Glyphos based weedkiller - like Roundup - just follow the instructions but be prepared to do it at least twice.
2. Where we need to keep the ground organic, we cover it with lightproof black plastic, carpet underlay or cardboard. No plant can live without light. Black plastic is best as it also absorbes the heat of the sun and bakes the weeds.
3. If the bindweed is in among other plants, use the same weedkiller as in 1 above BUT - mix up small quantities diluted with TWICE as much water as the instructions on the bottle. Put the solution in jam jars and then put these around your flower beds. Put the growing tips of the bindweed into the jars. The tips will absorb the poison slowly. Because it is week the plant lives long enough for the weedkiller to travels through the plant and through its root system, killing as it goes. Slow, effective and very satisfying....
Golf Shoes
Thursday, January 26, 2012
How do i get rid of that weed thats a vine with a bif white flower on it?
white flowers
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