Thursday, January 26, 2012

How long will a white flowering dogwood live for?

What about Leylandi Cypress?

What about a Pin Oak?

And an ornamental Cherry Tree?

Last one, how about a Hydrangea Tree?

Thanks for your answers!!

How long will a white flowering dogwood live for?
The greatest bloom is usually observed in the Early Spring, with fruit and seed production starting in the Spring and continuing until Fall. Leaves are not retained year to year. The Flowering Dogwood has a Short life span relative to most other plant species and a Moderate growth rate. At maturity, the typical Flowering Dogwood will reach up to 40 feet high, with a maximum height at 20 years of 40 feet.

The Leylandi Cypress requires little or no care, is well suited for clay, acid %26amp; alkaline soils, is cold, hardy %26amp; well suited to growers throughout the U.S. is resistant to the majority of insects and diseasesis perfect for ornamentals, landscaping, hedges %26amp; barriers. Very durable tree, and will last forever.

The ornamental cherry will live forever if well taken care of but only blooms in spring.

And on the Hydrangea Flower buds develop on old (mature) wood of the previous year. Can dry bloom heads for added interest indoors.
Reply:My experience with white dogwood in Ohio is that they are not long lived trees. Borers are a particular problem. Leaves have a tendency to scorch when in full sun and they are prone to disease. However they are a beautiful tree and can be utilized where you can't accommodate a larger mature tree such as a pin oak or sugar maple. A possible substitute for a dogwood where size may be an issue would be a Japanese maple.
Reply:well you never said if it was a budded tree it can live for over 50 years the same goes for all trees with the proper care i have worked in a nursery for over 20 years now in tennessee and it all in the care of any tree
Reply:longer than an ant with gout

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