Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I dreamt i was bought a bunch of flowers by a man. white and hint of pink. what is the meaning of my dream?

You are looking for validation from someone, which represents being "given" something (approval).

The white in the flowers represents purity, spirituality and innocence (which you now possess). The hint of pink is your awareness that all is not right in your world, and that you are afraid if you don't have the approval of people (or a certain someone) you will "rock the boat" - ergo the pink (which is just the tip of the iceberg for you). You didn't dream of red (the greater color of pink) because currently you haven't "crossed the line" in which everything turns upside down. You are cautious, which again is represented by pink.

Have a lovely rest of the evening. Bright Blessings.

I dreamt i was bought a bunch of flowers by a man. white and hint of pink. what is the meaning of my dream?
Ohhh...ok, finally I came in your dreams with white flowers........thanx for inviting in your dream, Dream again and I’ll come with white horse and take to you my castle.
Reply:To dream that you receive a bouquet of flowers, represents respect, approval, admiration, and rewards.

To see colorful flowers in your dream, signifies kindness, compassion, gentleness, pleasure, beauty, and gain. It is also symbolic of perfection and spirituality. Your dream may be an expression of love, joy and happiness. Alternatively, flowers may denote a particular time or season. If the flowers are white, then it symbolizes sadness.
Reply:It means that you are a worshiper of beauty.

The white means that you are cool (calm) and the pink means you are confident.

The pink sometimes represent a person who is in love .......
Reply:To dream that you receive a bouquet of flowers, represents respect, approval, admiration, and rewards.
Reply:it means u r attracted to someone

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