Tuesday, February 7, 2012

How do I put a color image into a black and white photograph?

I see pictures people have edited and the whole picture will be black and white except for one object (i.e. a flower, a tree, lips, eyes, etc) which will be a vivid color. What photography editing tool do they use to do this? I have Corel Photo-Paint 8. Can I do it with that? And if I can, HOW? Thanks so much.

How do I put a color image into a black and white photograph?
Although this question has been asked more than 2,000 times in the past year ( http://answers.yahoo.com/search/search_r... ), I will answer it anyway.

Start with a color photo. If you want to add color to a black and white photo, you will have to be very careful, patient and skillful with the paintbrush tool.

This is one way that you can do it in Photoshop Elements. Corel must have similar functions. It would be helpful to print this out and follow along. It's easy to do, but you must do the steps in order. Perhaps your own image editor has similar commands. If not, you might want to add details or post a new question to tell us what software you will be using.

1. Open the image you wish to alter.

2. Save the image using a different name than the original name so that you don't lose your original.

3. Use any selection tool you wish to outline the object whose color you wish to preserve. The Magnetic Lasso Tool is pretty quick, but the regular Lasso Tool might be more precise.

3-A. Use the erase tool to erase any color that you do NOT wish to preserve.

4. Hit [CTRL]+[C] to copy the selection.

5. Hit [SHIFT]+[CTRL]+[N] to make a new blank layer.

(Name it if you want, but you can accept "Layer 1.")

6. Hit [CTRL]+[V] to place the selection in the blank layer.

7. Move back to the background layer by clicking on that layer in the layers palette. (on the right of your screen)

8. Hit [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[U] to remove all color.

8-A. ALTERNATE APPROACH No. 1: Hit [CTRL]+[U] and use sliders to desaturate, leaving a hint of color present.

8-B. ALTERNATE APPROACH No. 2: Use a "Convert to Black and White" utility, if your software offers this. In Photoshop Elements, the command is [ALT]+[CTRL]+[B].

9. Hit [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[E] to merge the layers.

10. Save your work.

If you don't have a Photoshop Elements, just go here http://www.adobe.com/products/photoshope... and click "Download Now" for a 30-day free trial. If you can install the program and learn a few basics, you will be able to follow my instructions to get the effect that you want.
Reply:im sorry cant really help you with your program. maybe you can go on yahoo search, search for " corel photo paint 8 tutorials" and it might give you some insight on those things, but my opionon, which i know never is right or matters is that photoshop can create really pro. results for those type of effect but then again what do i know hehe well none the less good luck!
Reply:This is called Selective Color.

Try these tutorials:





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