Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I cant find the name of my houseplant. It flowers twice a year with star blossoms opening with red insides.?

Regular green leaves, seven pistols with white stars on each end. Each star opens and looks like little five little red beads. Flowers look almost like wax. Beautiful, tiny. Wish i had picture. Any ideas?

I cant find the name of my houseplant. It flowers twice a year with star blossoms opening with red insides.?
Don't know what area of the country you're from, but try going to www.floridata.com and look for pics of your plant there.

If that fails, try calling your local County Extension Service and ask to speak to one of the Master Gardeners there. If it's local to your area, they'll be able to help. You may even consider bringing a cutting in to them for identification.
Reply:Use the websites Hortiplex and Floridata for best data.

Try wax plant or Hoya for starters

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