Tuesday, February 7, 2012

In 2 glass filled with water add red &blue inkin diff glass with white flower for 8 hrs what happens?

You get one red flower and one blue flower.

You would get a purple flower if you put the red and blue ink together in the same glass, not in different glasses!

The flower takes water up from the glasses, and with the water comes all of the nutrients and contaminants in it. Certain dyes will go along with the water, and end up staining the petals. In fact, you can often see the stain through the green of the leaves and the stalk.

In 2 glass filled with water add red %26amp;blue inkin diff glass with white flower for 8 hrs what happens?
You get a purple flower. It takes in the red and blue and they mix to form purple.

  • purple makeup
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