Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My gerbera daisy plant has some kind of white fuzz on its leaves and is drooping. Is it dying? How to save it?

My poor flowers are completely bent over and sad looking. I've only had the plant for a week. Although outside it's pushing 110 degrees, they are indoors and in the shade with water every other day. There is a white fuzz appearing on the leaves over the last three days. Any suggestions on how to save this plant? Or is this normal for this kind of flower?

My gerbera daisy plant has some kind of white fuzz on its leaves and is drooping. Is it dying? How to save it?
Sounds like powdery Mildew.. You can by antifungal agents at a garden center.. Daconil is a brand that comes to mind, but I can't remember if it's good for powdery mildew or not. Get a recommendation from the seller or read the directions over for use guidelines.

PM can kill gerberas, absolutely. Fungus is bad this year because of lots of humidity and heat.. hope this helps.
Reply:That is a fungal infection. Try spraying it with some sulfur and leave it out to get some air. Don't overwater it. In fact, it may even have developed root-rot. Repot in brand new soil and water less often. You may be able to save it
Reply:the fuzzy stuff is a fungus growing it is growing because you have it inside, in the shade and your watering it too much. gerbers like to be outside and they like the sun and heat, and not alot of water. once gerbers get too wet they do rott and sometimes they come out of it but usually they die. if i were you i would go take the plant outside (leave it in the pot its in now) put it in morning sun and forget about it for a few days. i needs to dry out. if it does make it--cut of old nasty leaves ASAP

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