Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Can you use red as ell as white clover as [seeds for] edible sprouts?

ive seen red clover seeds specifically for sprouting, but i wondered if you can use white clover seeds as well.

also, i know red clover can be used for herb tea---so is the mature plant [both white and red] edible----ie could you use the flowers or the 3leafclover leaves in salads as well?

Can you use red as ell as white clover as [seeds for] edible sprouts?
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clover if the link does not work try typing in Trifolium. I no that some women use red clover for the menopause, to put the leaves on a salad not sure. because the leaves are quite hard to digest. the white clover is used for animal fodder.

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