Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I have white spots on my bedding plants, how can I get rid of this?

I have plants on my balcony in pots and I am getting white spots on the flowers and leaves. What could be causing it and what can I do to get rid of them? Thanx!

I have white spots on my bedding plants, how can I get rid of this?
White spots on the top of the leaves, IF FUZZIE, is powdery Mildew, that is curable with a Backing Soda and water mix.

FUZZIE white spots UNDER the leaves, and showing through to the top is DOWNY MILDEW, Go to your garden center and get a FUNGICIDE rated for downy Mildew.

White spots with NO fuzz, no webbing, just white spots...

It means that your plants are not used to being in that much sun on your deck,and they are freaking out, as their leaves and flowers bleach white in the NEW SUN! at least to them this bright sun is NEW!

Also, Many plants don't like full sun! Zonal Geranium, Impatience, Fuchsia, LOBILIA, . So what do you have in your Garden????????????????????
Reply:a mixture in a spray bottle of one third each baby oil water and dishwashing liquid.

spray one time every day not in direct sun light though

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